Riverbank 180 litres

This 180 litres tank was set-up to resamble a riverbank. It is housing Puntius denisonii which grow to 15 cm and this tank is their frow out aquarium. When they get bigger I will move them into a bigger tank.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A few more pics, Pitbull Pleco and video

Above P. demasonii greeting the newly introduced LDA-25 aka Pitbull Pleco aka Parotocinclus jumbo x 4

Below; Garra flavatra are starting show off some very nice yellow color and are becoming very active.

Fish introduced

I jump started this tank with established filter media from one of my mature aquariums.

Garra flavatra 4 x

Puntius denisonii 9 x - at the moment they are only 5 cm and this tank is too small for this 15 cm fish once fully grown. This tank is for their grow out and in about a year I will move them into a bigger tank.

180 litres Riverbank (Denisonii grow out tank)

I used Back to Nature slim line backgrounds. I also used lots of rocks and some pebbles. The wood is re-used from my old scape. I planted with Echinodorus rubra and Echinodorus harbii, aslo some Cryptocoryne sp. (not sure which this is) I have to pumps; 1 x 1100 l/h 1 x 650 l/h
Lights 2 x 39 T5s